I'm having one of those spells where the news is just too depressing to watch - the government is about to shut down, radioactive water is being released into the sea, women in Haiti and Libya and Lord knows where else are being systematically raped...it's appalling, and I can only take so much of it before shutting down altogether. So I've been on the look out for a few more inspiring, even magical if you will, things to reinforce my belief in the human race.
1. The Reverb10 folks sent out a new prompt today, and with it a link to this beautiful blog post by Jen Lemen. I love the line "at the end of your unraveling", but I think I love this part most of all:
Go ahead, be disappointed.
Nothing turned out how you hoped.
Sit under a tree and tell me the whole of it
and I won’t say a word.
I won’t say a single word.
There are oodles of other lovely and insightful and inspiring things on her blog as well - I spent the entire train ride home reading her posts on my phone.
2. This video (photo montage?) by Liz Song, which you can view here.
It is far richer to live our lives by the risk to follow our hearts, wherever it leads.
That line made me feel oodles better about a number of things, including my ill-fated move to NYC a few years ago. Wherever it leads, indeed.
1 comment:
Help, I am probably in the wrong place, but maybe someone can help me in the right direction.
We have a few Halcyon Pieces and are trying to determine an approximate value of them. I have looked in numerous places on the net, seems that everything is brand new.
I can be contacted @ dave.broderick@hotmail.com
Any help will be appreciated.
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